JAAF Scholar-Writers Organizes Writeshop

J. Amado Araneta Foundation (JAAF), the social development arm of the Araneta Group, has Scholarship as one of its major programs. Over 100 scholars are JAAF’s direct program beneficiaries. These include deserving children of financially challenged Araneta Group employees and the first honors of the public high school graduating classes of Bago City in Negros Occidental and Quezon City.
From these scholars, those inclined to write were screened to become part of #JAAFYouthOpines. #YO for short has been gracing the JAAF’s digital spaces in Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter since it started in July 2020. The writers’ opinions give the pages a fresh perspective with outlooks from the young generation. #YO has accomplished a lot with over a year of publication, appearing on Mondays and Saturdays.
Last 16 October, these writers led a writing workshop for fellow JAAF Scholars, with the special attendance of Gerry Roxas Foundation Scholars. How do you tell the story in your mind and communicate this to others? YO Writeshop was an activity that teaches to write with confidence.
“YO Writeshop was designed so that the participants, the Scholars, in particular, will be able to appreciate writing from an academic angle, the everyday writing, and even touch on the creative writing aspect. From the central thought to translating the thoughts to words, the Writers discussed even practical tips in writing. There was also be a short workshop. JAAF is fortunate to have skilled and able YO Contributors who lead such an important student activity,” says Glenda Carlota, JAAF Deputy Director. She serves as a mentor for the writers.
Behind #JAAFYouthOpines are seven promising writers: Cyra Mae Colangoy, Fiona Eunice Gatchalian, Allyssa Mateo, Christine Kaye Landero, Loraine Barrozo, Jlo Velasquez, and Lyn Busway.